A Tennessee native, Will C. worked in the insurance field in Texas for 25 years. Several years ago, he became the victim of financial fraud. “It was someone I had known and trusted for many years,” says Will. “It upended my life and left me broke.”

Will had heard that Boston was a good place to rebuild your life. Nine months ago, he arrived in the city with a single suitcase and came to Pine Street Inn. Now living at Pine Street’s Holy Family shelter, Will has been working to secure housing.

“My housing specialist is extremely helpful,” says Will. “Finding an apartment can be is a lengthy process. My case manager has worked with me to set realistic expectations about what the timeframe could be.’’

Will has immersed himself in the Boston community, worshipping at the Cathedral Church at St. Paul and going to counseling at The Boston Living Center. “I found a community here in the Back Bay,” says Will. “I’m attending church services here, Pine Street connected me with counseling in the area and I’ve made friends. I’m hoping to find an apartment at one of Pine Street’s nearby residences.”

Will concludes, “Everyone at Pine Street treats me with respect, and my experience has been very positive.”