Pine Street Inn Housing
Since 1984, Pine Street Inn has developed housing in Boston and Brookline for homeless individuals with support staff. In Pine Street’s supportive housing, case managers work closely with tenants on basic life skills, as well as a comprehensive plan that includes accessing health services, job training or behavioral health resources.
This supportive housing model has proven extremely effective:
- More than 96% of chronically homeless individuals placed in housing remain long-term.
- Moving someone from the streets/shelter to housing saves roughly $10,000 per person, per year in emergency healthcare, public safety and shelter costs.
- Within the past year, Pine Street helped more than 650 people move from homelessness to housing, either to Pine Street Inn’s supportive housing or to other housing options.
After tenants become stable in Pine Street’s supportive housing, they may be ready to move on to more independent living. Staff then assist people in finding an apartment and furnishings, and assist in the move-in process. Staff provide short-term support as tenants settle into their new homes.
Jose expresses his deep gratitude as he talks about his home. “I love my place. I use to feel stranded and stigmatized,” he said. “Now I feel safe and welcome.” In and out of shelters over the years, Jose came to Pine Street where he said staff “helped me out and showed me the way.” Now that he no longer has to worry about where he will sleep at night, he can focus on his health.