Charitable Bequest Language

Charitable Bequest Language

A charitable bequest is one of the most popular and enduring planned gift options with donors because you have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy with Pine Street Inn while retaining the full use and control of your assets during your lifetime.

The exact language of a bequest is important. You should consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding Pine Street Inn. Sample language you can share with your attorney follows:

“I give to Pine Street Inn, a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 04-2516093 ($___) or  (___%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.”

We are here to help!
Please contact Davi Axinn Levine, Director of Planned Giving, at 617.892.9244 or for more information regarding charitable bequests or to explore giving options that meet your charitable goals. 

Tax ID number: 04-2516093 
Address: Pine Street Inn, Attn: Development, 444 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02118