Black History Month

Black History Month

Black History Month was unofficially started in 1915, 50 years after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States. That year, the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History was founded to research and promote the achievement of Black Americans and other people of African descent.

The Ninety Nine Restaurants’ Annual Have a Heart Fundraiser

The Ninety Nine Restaurants’ Annual Have a Heart Fundraiser

We are thrilled to partner again this year with 99 Restaurants for their annual Have a Heart fundraiser. From February 5 through February 11, 2024, 48 locations in eastern Massachusetts and Salem, NH, are raising funds for Pine Street Inn.We are thrilled to partner again this year with 99 Restaurants for their annual Have a Heart fundraiser. From February 5 through February 11, 2024, 48 locations in eastern Massachusetts and Salem, NH, are raising funds for Pine Street Inn.

Jenny D. — “A Home for the Holidays”

Jenny D. — “A Home for the Holidays”

Jenny grew up in a large family with a history of substance abuse. “Unfortunately, substance use disorder is something I’ve struggled with for many years,” Jenny says. “It is part of the reason that I experienced homelessness.” Over time, Pine Street Inn’s street outreach team collaborated with Jenny to change her situation. “It makes me…

Leslie M. — “Ask for Help When You Need It”

Leslie M. — “Ask for Help When You Need It”

Leslie M., a Vietnam-era United States Army veteran, served for six years. Despite working steadily at a telecommunications company for 30 years, he lost his home following a divorce. “I never thought I would end up without a roof over my head,” Leslie says. “I was paying my mother’s bills and paying my own mortgage…

Samuel — “I’m Thankful for a Place to Call Home”

Samuel — “I’m Thankful for a Place to Call Home”

Samuel lived on the streets of Boston for over ten years before moving into Pine Street Inn housing. “I would sleep in different places every night, often in a tent or in a park,” Samuel says. “During the day, I would visit different community programs to clean up and eat a meal. I wasn’t comfortable…